Saturday, October 23, 2010

Loyalty on the Line

Loyalty is a quality that is best displayed when it is returned. Loyalty involves relationship. Throughout time, men and women in relationships, both with God and with others, have exhibited loyalty.
The benefits of loyalty include:
  • Dependable friends
  • Security in relationships
  • Rewarding relationships
  • Reliable support system
  • Greater depth of love experienced
  • Fidelity in marriage
  • Stability and maturity in church
Today, we will be exploring the relationship between David and Jonathan as set out in 1 Samuel 18:1-4. Even during King Saul's persecution of David, Jonathan stood by his friend and pledged his allegiance to the man whom God had anointed to be Israel's future king.
Jesus, of course, showed the epitome of loyalty to us. He took upon Himself all of our sins, suffered indignity, abuse, and brutal beatings, and allowed Himself to be crucified as our sacrifice. But He did not stop there! In Matthew 28:20 Jesus promised that He would be with us always, even unto the end of the world. His loyalty to us endures even to the end of the world.
We will be discussing three aspects of loyalty: loyalty in the workplace; loyalty in friendship; loyalty in our relationship with God.
Please feel free to discuss any concerns you have.
God bless you,
Dave and Heather

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