Saturday, September 25, 2010

Heroine of God

And Deborah, a prophetess, the wife of Lapidoth, she judged Israel at that time.
(Judges 4:4 )
Deborah is a prime example of how God uses women to lead people. Deborah was a judge over Israel during a time when the Canaanites were harshly oppressing the Israelites. Deborah's ability to hear from God, her faith in God's Word, and her cunning leadership ability led Israel to victory over its enemies and also to a time of peace for God's people.
God's mode of operation throughout the Bible is to choose the very weakest and small things of our world to show His great strength. Though this logic is hard for the human mind to comprehend, God does not limit Himself to work within our finite frames of reference. He does not conform Himself to our thinking; He transforms our minds to coincide with His thinking.
In the story of Deborah's victory over the Canaanites, we see God intervene on Israel's behalf in a very similar manner. He used the weakness of several key factors to bring victory to Israel. One of those factors was a woman named Jael.
In this day, women do not like to be called weak. In fact, nobody does. To people, being called weak is an insult. But to God, weakness is a vehicle for tremendous strength. The apostle Paul said that when he was weak, then he was strong, because God's strength could work through him. And in comparison to men, the Bible says that women are the weaker vessel. Is that an insult? No. It is a physiological reality. Does that weakness mean that God cannot use a woman to accomplish His purpose or that women are of lesser value to God than men? No! It means that God gets great glory from using women to fulfill His will.
Deborah's role as judge and prophetess was significant to Israel during a time of severe oppression. Deborah's willingness to fill God's purpose for her life resulted in the liberation of the people of Israel and the destruction of their enemy.
God will use anyone who makes themselves available.
God bless you and we pray you have a safe and happy holiday,
Robin, Dave and Heather

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