Friday, March 26, 2010

The Imposter of Success

For a teenager, life is all about the moment. He does not think too much about the future. The only ideas most teens have are about temporal enjoyment and friends. Some may have thoughts of college because it is in their near future, but aside from college, and possibly thoughts of career, things like home buying or grandparenthood are far away. So to a normal high school student, his goals in life look something like: "In my future I would like money, fame, power, greate dates, etc. But I'll think about it tomorrow."
The way success is measured in our world today is many times misdirected. Instead of looking at the size of a person's home, bank account, car, or job, we should consider the thngs at which God looks! Such as:
  • Is real success a strong relationship with God?

  • Is real success a loving home and family?

  • Is real success peace in a person's heart, knowing he is living a good life?

Success based on the temporal (non-eternal) things is empty. God made us to yearn and long for a deeper relationship with Him. When we are walking with Him, we are successful even though we may be in a situation that is unfair. When He is our focus, we cannot focus on where we are not.

Because Joseph's focus was on God and His plan for his life, he had principles that kept him on the straight path in difficult and challenging times:

  1. To help others and remain unselfish;
  2. To always keep a humble spirit;
  3. To be forgiving and generous;
  4. To remember who he was and how he got where he was.

Thank you to those who learnt their memory verses last week. It really encourages us when the young people take the time to learn their memory verses.

Please feel free to talk to us at any time ... or to leave a comment on this blog.

God bless you

Robin, Dave and Heather

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