Friday, March 5, 2010

Escaping Hopeless Ruts

Many times in life we get stuck in ruts and feel like it is impossible to escape them. However, we need not despair. We can escape ruts of hopelessness. Just as a large wrecker must occasionally pull an eighteen-wheeler out of ruts, we sometimes need a refreshing touch of the Holy Ghost to pull us from the ruts in which we find ourselves. Sometimes, with despair, we find ourselves stuck in the ruts that weave their way between the Orchard of the Flesh and the Orchard of the Spirit.

It is easy to get caught up in the mundane routines of everyday life, and we often do the same in our spiritual lives. This week we will explore some of the spiritual ruts in which we might find ourselves. More specifically, we will talk about some very human ruts - the works of the flesh.

The works of the flesh and the fruit of the Spirit are incompatible. Because of our inherited nature, the works of the flesh are natural. According to Scripture however, as believers, we can be overcomers, as expressed by the fruit of the Spirit active in our lives

Within ourselves we can do little to escape hopeless ruts because the works of the flesh are a part of our fleshly nature. We will never be truly victorious in our Christian lives as long as the works of the flesh reign as ruthless dictators. However, when we choose to focus on our inward relationship with Jesus Christ and allow His Spirit to bear its fruit in our hearts, we can begin climbing out of the ruts of the flesh. We can break free and live victorious lives.

The memory verse for this week is found in Galatians 5:17

For the flesh lusteth against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh: and these are contrary the one to the other; so that ye cannot do the things that ye would"

Congratulations to Nathan for learning the memory verse last week. It's great to see our young people hiding the word of God in their hearts.

God bless you and please remember to come and talk to us if you have any concerns,

Robin, Dave and Heather

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