Friday, June 17, 2011

Tick, Tick, Ticking Away

This week we are learning about priorities and how setting God at the top of our priorities bring blessings into our lives.

Time is a precious resource. When we spend time doing something, we are making an investment. Given the fact that time is limited, when we give our time to something, we are giving one of our most precious commodities. To see that our investment pays off, we need to give our precious time to worthwhile activities, not something that will leave us with nothing to show for the investment.

Setting priorities can certainly be challenging. The very act requires decision making, and making choices can be difficult. Sometimes we will need to make sacrifices because decisions involving time are not always easy. For example, Jonah did not want to go to Ninevah. It did not fit with his idea of acceptable ways to spend his time, but it was what God wanted him to do. After spending three days in the belly of the great fish, he realised that God's plans should always come first, even if that meant rearranging his week. How much time and msery would Jonah have saved if he had sacrificed his own desires and put God's plan at the top of his list of priorities.

Our memory verse this week is found in Ephesians 5:16

"Redeeming the time, because the days are evil"

Congratulations to Ben who consistently learns his memory verses each week. Congratulations also goes to Rem, Sangi and Matthew.

God bless you,

Melanie and Heather

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