Saturday, April 9, 2011

Small Hard Things

In Rudyard Kipling's classic novel Captains Courageous, 15 year old Harvey Cheyne, the son of a wealthy railroad tycoon, is washed overboard from a transatlantic steamship and rescued by fishermen.
Cold, wet and forgotten for the first time in his spoiled existence, Harvey at first tries to convince the fishermen of his parents' great wealth. He wants them to abandon their fishing season and take him ashore, where he promises his father will reward them generously. But his pleas don't work. In the end he is forced to earn his keep mending nets and gutting fish.
At first, Harvey can't believe his bad luck. The backbreaking work, the long hours, the stench, and the cold and wet disgust and overwhelm him. But over time, Harvey mysteriously changes. His body toughens. He learns to use his hands and his head to perform the tasks and weather the trials of fishing on the open sea. He begins to actually enjoy the hardships and to admire the strength and intelligence of his new companions.
When the boat finally returns to port, Harvey wires his parents, who rush to the small town. Amazed, they find a transformed son. Their lazy, demanding boy has become an industrious, serious, and considerate young man. No longer needing or wanting his mother's constant doting, Harvey is ready to start a successful career in his father's shipping lines.

This week we are discussing how doing small hard things that don't immediately benefit us are important. Small things most often occur behind the closed doors of our homes, schools, or churches. They are rarely new or exciting and they are often repetitive - even tedious. Small things happen on the level at which we normally live our lives. In fact, in the most basic sense they are our lives - the "stuff" that makes up everyday living. You won't make it in the headlines for any of them or wake up looking forward to them. But the purpose of doing these things is to gain strength. Being faithful in the smallest things is the way to gain, maintain and demonstrate the strength needed to accomplish something great.
Our memory verse this week is found in Colossians 3:23-24

And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily as to the Lord, and not unto men; Knowing that of the Lord ye shall receive the reward of the inheritance: for ye serve the Lord Christ.

Congratulations Mark, Ben, Joel and Matthew for learning your memory verse last week. Well done!!

God bless,

Melanie and Heather

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