Friday, July 23, 2010

A time for Heroes

Welcome to a new term of Sunday School. This term we will be exploring the concept of heroes and what it means to be a Christian living in the last days.
Our first four lessons will be looking at the end times and how important it is to be ready when Jesus comes to take His church. In later lessons, we will be looking at Old Testament heroes, characteristics of a hero, and the family.
The end times are at once a highly fascinating and extremely controversial study. While the Bible makes it obvious that God wishes us to have an understanding of the events and sequence of the end times, the chronology of those events has long been a subject of discussion. Therefore, we will not be launching theological discussions about timing (pre-tribulation versus mid-tribulation versus post-tribulation, etc), and instead focus on the reality that Jesus is coming again, and that we must be ready for whatever moment He chooses to do so.
Our memory verse for this week is taken from Mark 13:35 -
Watch ye therefore: for ye know not when the master of the house cometh, at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning.

Please feel free to discuss any concerns or ideas you might have with any one of us.
God bless you,
Robin, Dave and Heather

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