Saturday, June 26, 2010

Private Integrity

Integrity is a characteristic thought to be superfluous in today's world. Success is about money or power of popularity or celebrity. Whatever the individual is when the cameras stop clicking, how he acts when the glare of the spotlight snaps off, and where he is when (almost) nobody is looking is thought not to matter. It is only if he is hurting others or breaking the worst of laws that his private life is considered important.
Of course, the entire Bible proclaims differently. Living for God is more than simply how we act in public. Indeed, in many ways it has everything to do with the private interactions of human to God, or woman to man, or adults to children. Christian character is the antithesis of magazine covers and award shows for the sake of the hurting, the sick, and the poor. It is the celebration of reality despite the hardship. It is about Christ, not headlines.

Through many examples in the Bible, we can witness the consequences of both honesty and dishonesty. Through honesty, people are free from the fear of being caught in a lie and any fear of future repercussions.
However, with unrepented dishonesty comes eternal death. Revelation 21:8 proclaims that all liars shall have their part in the lake that burns with fire.
It is interesting that the honest men suffered immediately - they were beaten - while the liars got off easily - at first! But they suffered greater consequences later. There is hope for those who have lied. We can ask God to create in us a clean heart and a steadfast spirit (Psalm 52:10) for the pure in heart shall see God (Matthew 5:8). Through consistent daily prayer, Bible reading, and submission to God's Word, we can have a pure heart and a steadfast spirit.
Please feel free to comment on our blog or, alternatively, come and speak to any one of us.
God bless you,
Robin, Dave and Heather

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