Friday, February 12, 2010

Welcome to Sunday School for 2010

A happy new year to you and our prayer is that this year will be exciting for you and your children as we all look to God for greater things in our lives ... greater ways to love Him, greater ways to serve Him, greater ways to worship Him, to seek Him, to draw near to Him ... and the list could go on and on!! As your child's Sunday School teachers, our fervant desire and prayer is that your child would grow close to the Saviour and would become confident to serve Him in these last days, in spite of their youthfulness.

Welcome to Dave Moss who is joining the High School teaching team this year. We look forward to seeing his creativity in the class room in a variety of ways. Michael is joining Pamela Cutting in teaching a younger group and we are sure that Michael will do well.
Pastor Downs has outlined his vision and goals for the church and it came to our attention, recently, that some of our young people may feel that this vision is only for adults. We want to assure our young people that God wants to use anyone who will make themselves available using the gifts that He has given. We will be starting this year talking about those gifts and how God can use them in mighty ways.

The memory verse this week is from 1 Timothy 4:12 -

Let no man despise thy youth; but be thou an example of the believers, in word, in conversation, in charity, in spirit, in faith, in purity."

At the moment, we are reading a wonderful book recommended by Jonathan Downs titled "Do Hard Things." It is a book written by teenaged twin brothers, Brett and Alex Harris, for teenagers. It is highly recommended to every teen ... and anyone on the edge of their teen years ... and their parents. It is a book that will inspire teens to get out of their comfort zones to accomplish wonderful things for God. There is one account after another of teens facing their fears, moving out of their comfort zone and achieving great things. The book is about how teenagers can rebel against the low expectations that society and culture has set for them. You can go to their website to find out more.

We are looking forward to teaching the High School class this year. Actually, we're excited about the things we believe God has planned for this class and we pray that you will be too.
God bless you and we look forward to working with you this year,
Dave, Robin and Heather

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