Saturday, May 21, 2011

The God of Abraham, Jacob .....& Isaac?

What a great man of faith Abraham was - last week we heard about the great faith it took for Abraham to pack his family up and go to wherever God wanted him to go!

This week we move on to the next in the family tree - Isaac.
Isaac's life was not very exciting. The only time he left the area where Abraham settled was during a famine. Besides staying in the same place, he had a seemingly monotonous job - digging out wells.

In ancient times wells were the life-line and the future of a family. Without a well not only would Isaac's family have perished, but the promise God had bestowed on his father and on him would have perished. Wells were vital.

Christians need life-lines in order for the promise of the Holy Ghost to continue for generations!!!!!
- Reading and studying the Word of God
- Fasting and praying
- Faithfulness to the house of God
- Godly friends who encourage us with God's Word.

Isaac was not only a well digger but a bridge builder - a bridge to the future for the nation of Israel. Without his perseverence and tenacity, Abraham's lineage would have perished. By digging the wells, he established security for his descendents while at the same time establishing fear in the eyes of onlookers.

How will YOU build a bridge to the future? How is what YOU are doing now affecting future generations??
Take a little time to think about it!

We do pray that each student in the class will fulfill their role in God's kingdom. Whether the students are noticed by all or by few, what matters is that they fulfill God's desire for their lives and that they exhibit obedience as Isaac did.

This weeks memory verse:

1 Samuel 15:22
'But Samuel replied, What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to his voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.

Friday, May 13, 2011

The Call, the Sacrifice, the Faith - One Mans Journey for God

Welcome to Term 2 of Sunday School. We trust that you have had a restful break and that you're feeling refreshed.

This week we are exploring Abraham and his faith. God called Abraham to rise up with his family, to leave his home and to move to a place that was unknown to Abraham and his family. Some of the points we will cover are:

  • Abraham and his entire family left their homeland, Ur, and travelled to Haran, about 600 miles over desert lands.

  • Ur was a thriving city and archeological evidence suggests that Ur's civilisation was far advanced - equal to that of Babylon 1,000 years later.

  • Abraham and his family left Ur without any idea of where they were going. God did not provide a map!

Abrahams' relationship with God deepened in such a way that when God made promises to Abraham, he knew without a doubt that God would deliver on His promises!!

We want to encourage our young people to have the same kind of faith that Abraham had when he blindly trusted God. When God places a calling on our lives, we can trust Him to go with us ... all the way!

The memory verse this week is found in Hebrews 11:8 -

By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went

If you have anything you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to talk to either of us.

God bless you,

Melanie and Heather