Saturday, July 30, 2011

Seeing all of Life as Worship

Welcome back to term 3 of Sunday School. I trust you were able to have a break and come back feeling refreshed and rested!

This term sees Sis Melanie assisting the Lower Primary class and so I will be flying solo for a while. Sis Melanie is such a wonderful teacher of the Word of God and the young people have really benefited from her wonderful talents. I would appreciate your prayers as I attempt to fulfill what I see as a vital ministry. Sunday School really is such an integral part of the church ... as we seek the face and mind of God to know how we should minister to those in our care for one short hour each week, we realise that, potentially, we have future pastors, teachers, evangelists, apostles and prophets (as expounded in Ephesians 4:11) and so it is essential that we know the mind of God for these young ones that you have entrusted to us.

We are starting the term with a four week series on worship. As you can see from the above banner, our curriculum for these lessons is called "Seeing All of Life as Worship." It's not enough to come to church every week, worship God and than live lives to please ourselves. Worship really needs to be lived out with our whole lives which means that we need to have a relationship with God and recognise Him for who He is and for His greatness in our lives. Anything we do that brings pleasure to God is worship. Our full devotion is our heart, mind, and body.

God bless you. Please feel free to come and have a chat with me if you have any concerns.
